Sessions by Zoom or In-Person


Kimberly Hathaway

Book An Appointment with Kimberly

Lover of all people, no matter your situation

It is important as you embark on an emotional healing journey to choose the person that fits well with you, the ongoing struggles you have, and your goals. So what do you need know about me?

First and foremost – I love people. In all of their variety and plethora of dysfunction. I fully include myself in that statement because all of us have trauma, none of us are perfect, and we are all fabulous. Each and everyone of us. My goal is for you to realize it. To get to know who you are, what you like, what you don’t like, what boundaries you need in life, and the things that make you feel magnificent.

This process often occurs by working through past trauma which has covered up the beauty of who you are. There is nothing I enjoy more than watching someone grow, break free of old cycles, and heal from past pain. I will enjoy you through every moment of the process. Be your cheerleader, your advocate, your teacher. It will be my honor to walk with you.


Who are you:

An individual who is open to learning new things, growing and changing. The process will not always be comfortable but it will be good for your soul and healing in nature. The more you follow up on homework recommendations between sessions the faster you will see change in your life. (I promise they won’t be difficult and they are up for discussion. We do this together.) Someone over the age of 14 (ages 14-15 must have parent consent). Over the age of 16? You do you boo, you got this.